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Vinyl Sticker Project

Which illustrator tools were essential for this project? Why were they so important?

The illustrator tools that were essential for me in this project was the shape builder tool. This was so important in this sticker design because, a lot of pieces of the project needed to stick together or else it wouldn’t work.

What did you find most challenging about this project?

The most challenging thing about my project was actually the grid that we had to fill out with all of our sketches. I had trouble fitting all of my ideas in one final sticker design. I originally had a rectangle sticker design but I had trouble with it. So, I ended up scraping the sticker design and redoing my sticker with some of the designs that I liked in my previous sticker.

What is a composition grid? How did you use them for this project?

The composition grid is the requirements to make sure your project is worthy of handing it in. I used it to make sure my project was good enough to receive a good grade.

Do you feel like your sticker meets the “Nature lover” theme?

Yes, I do think that my sticker meets the design theme. The mountains and rural landscape is modern but, this sticker is perfect for a car or a notebook.

How did your sticker cut? Did you make any mistakes? What was most challenging about placing the sticker onto a surface?

I made a lot of small mistakes when it came to my sticker cut out. I had to redo some parts but it all printed it out fine on the first (and only) try. Making sure that all of the corners are perfect and there all no small mistakes are key. The most challenging part about putting my sticker on a surface is the sticker sticking to itself and then you have to peal the sticker off the sticker.

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