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Starbucks Cup Doodle Design Project

How do you believe your design relates to the corporate Identity of your company?

I do believe that my cup relates to the identity of the company because this cup that I designed is perfect for the holidays. This cup is holiday neutral and simple enough where the cup is perfect for any consumer.

How does your cup portray the “holiday”?

My cup helps portray the holidays by the doodle string lights. People with all different beliefs all tend to have one thing in common, they like to hang up lights around there community. The cup that I designed portrays the exciting time of setting up for the holidays.

Do you think that the company you designed for would really use your cup? Why or why not?

I would think that the Starbucks Company really likes to stick to their theme of the red cup, but in the future to draw attention to their company I think this Starbucks cup design would spark up an interest in the next couple of years.

What makes your Cup Unique and Different?

What makes my cup different than the rest is the neutral color scheme that I used and the fact that the design that I made was all hand drawn.

Describe the process in which you took to create the cup? (From beginning to end)

I first made the background of my cup black. I drew the white wavy line or “string” by hand and found a picture of what I wanted the lights to look like. I then traced the light and made different variations of the lights in different colors and orientations. I then assembled the lights in a pattern of two white lights and one gold light. I then wanted to add more detail to the lights so I took the small black marker tool and drew black lines to where I wanted detail. Finally, I made the ingredient tab of the cup and added the company name to the tab at the end.

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