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Font Pairing Project

What does it mean to create a font pairing?

To create a font pairing is to take two fonts that would most likely go together, or not go together, and make a design with those two fonts.

What are the four assignments you chose to do? Write the name of the assignment and describe your design for each.

The four designs that I chose where the star picture, the destination option, the create your own quote and I used the assigned quote “Hot, Fresh and out of the Kitchen”.

Which assignment would you say is your BEST font pairing and why?

My best font pairing would be the quote that says “Hot, Fresh, and out of the Kitchen”. I would say it is the best because I like the neutral brown color scheme, the pie graphic, and the fonts that I used.

Which assignment would you say is your Least Successful font pairing and why?

The font pairing assignment that I think is the least successful is that choose your own quote because there is a limited color scheme and limited options in a background picture.

How would you describe the font pairing process? What makes a font pairing so difficult?

The font pairing process was very fun because in the media a lot of people do post font pairing projects as a hobby or job and I always wondered how people would do that. It’s fairly simple to do.

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